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Quarterly update: 17 businesses removed or suspended from Prompt Payment Code for failing to pay their suppliers on time
Action on companies who fail to meet the standard of the Prompt Payment Code (PPC) has seen 17 companies removed or suspended from the Code during the past quarter, the Chartered Institute of Credit Management (CICM) has announced today.
BBC Asian Network, Big Debate Show
Paul Uppal, hears from small businesses about their late payment experiences on the BBC Asian Network, Big Debate Show.
Lloyds research reveals 65% of large firms pay 30 days or longer
Public data analysed by the Lloyds Banking Group plc in partnership with the Small Business Commissioner analysed official payment reporting returns based on the annual reports of large businesses. Read the full report.
Small Business Commissioner speaks to BBC Breakfast
The Small Business Commissioner discusses unfair payment practices, and his investigation into Holland & Barrett on BBC Breakfast.
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wake Up To Money Show
Small Business Commissioner, Paul Uppal, discusses his report on Holland & Barrett.
talkRADIO interviews Small Business Commissioner
Holland & Barrett poor supplier payment practices highlighted in Small Business Commissioner report
The Small Business Commissioner, Paul Uppal, has highlighted poor supplier payment practices at Holland & Barrett, following the publication of his report into a late payment complaint made by a small business. Read the full report.
Small Business Commissioner talks to BBC Radio 4
Small Business Commissioner, Paul Uppal, discusses his investigation into the Jordans & Ryvita company on the You and Yours show.
Small Business Commissioner’s Report on Jordans & Ryvita
The Office of the Small Business Commissioner launched an official investigation into the payment practices of the Jordans & Ryvita Company, after a complaint was made by small business, Magellan Design Ltd. Read the full report.
Leaving the EU: make sure your business is prepared
There is a wide range of information available that will help you understand how your business may be affected when the UK leaves the EU. Find out more.
Making Tax Digital
Making Tax Digital is part of the government’s initiative to digitally transform the UK’s tax system and make it easier for businesses to get their tax right. The plan will come into effect for VAT registered businesses earning over the threshold very soon. For help and support, and to make sure your business is prepared visit GOV.UK
SME action plan to level playing field for smaller businesses
The Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy have unveiled a new Action Plan to unlock more opportunities for smaller businesses to bid for and win government contracts.
Small Business Commissioner, speaks to BBC Radio 4 on the Money Box show
Paul Uppal, discusses why small businesses experiencing late payment should contact the Office of the Small Business Commissioner.
Paul Uppal speaks to Open Banking
The Small Business Commissioner spoke to Open Banking about the importance of freeing SMEs from the burden of chasing Late Payments.
The Small Business Commissioner discusses late payments on BBC West Midlands
Appointments to the Small Business Commissioner’s Office Advisory Board
Business Readiness for leaving the EU
Government has launched the business readiness website which includes a tool to enable you to find out; what your business will need to do to prepare for the UK leaving the EU; what’s changing in your industry; and information on specific rules and regulations.
Small Business Commissioner on BBC Radio Gloucester discussing late payment
Small Business Commissioner's interview with BBC Scotland on payment practices of large companies
Small Business Commissioner calls for late payment traffic light warnings on BBC Radio 5 Live Wake up to Money show
The Small Business Commissioner speaks to BBC Ulster about new research
Small Business Commissioner visited the BBC to discuss the new report into payment practices of large companies and the time it takes them to pay small firms
SBC Celebrates One Year Anniversairy
10 December 2018
The SBC hosted a private event to thank Stakeholders for their continuous support since the launch of its Office.
Small Business Commissioner discusses late payments on the BBC Radio 5 Live, Wake Up To Money Show
6 December 2018
Paul Uppal's Q&A with HSBC Knowledge centre
12 September 2018
The Small Business Commissioner discusses his role and plans to tackle late payment with HSBC.
The Small Business Commissioner highlighting the late payment challenge on visit to North East England
4 September 2018