How to complain to OSBC

Here's some information about how to complain to OSBC about your payment dispute or query.

If you are running a small business and have a dispute with a larger customer about payments, which you can’t resolve, we may be able to help.

Complete the form

Our service is free.

Once we have received your initial contact, we will acknowledge your complaint within 2 working days.

You will be assigned to a dedicated member of the team who will asses your complaint and respond in writing (usually by email) within 7 working days.

If we can deal with your case, with your consent, we will contact the customer to discuss the reasons for payment dispute and work on a resolution.

If we aren’t able to deal with your complaint, we will explain why and will recommend any other appropriate existing support and/or dispute resolution services available.

You can remain anonymous all the way through the process. We must do all we possibly can to protect your business relationship with your customer.

We aim to resolve your complaint within 40 days.

Read more information here about how to complain about the way we at OSBC dealt with your payment dispute or query.